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时间:2024-06-12 作者:摘抄号



“The ship steered into port.(船驶进港口。)。”栏目小编为大家准备了一份包含多种英语好句好词的资料,有哪些句子值得摘抄呢?信息的传播使我们的思想更加活跃,人们通过写句子汇集成心情录,句子是我们感受生活的窗口。。


1、The road bends here then straightens out.(公路在这儿拐弯,然后就直了。)

2、didn't mean to break it— it was an accident.(我不是故意打碎它的—这是个意外。)

3、Early booking is essential, as space is limited.(座位有限,务必早日预订。)

4、The novel is set in London in the 1960s.(这部小说以20世纪60年代的伦敦为背景。)

5、From now on you can work on your own.(从现在起你可以独自工作。)

6、For some unfathomable reason, there are no stairs where there should be.(因为某种不可理解的原因,该有楼梯的地方却没有。)

7、She's delirious, but has lucid intervals.(她神志昏乱,但有时清醒。)

8、I'm not allowed visitors.(我不可以接见来访者。)

9、She's not from these parts.(她不是这一带的人。)

10、He arrived in London in November 1939.(他于1939年11月到达伦敦。)

11、was suckered into helping.(我受骗帮忙去了。)

12、Students have played an important role in the past, but for the moment, they're on the margins.(学生们过去发挥了重要的作用,但现在,他们不再重要了。)

13、They had liquor for the adults and sodas for the children.(他们为成年人准备了酒,为孩子们准备了汽水。)

14、He was lying—or was he?(他在说谎,还是没有说谎?)

15、More attention ,more safety.谨慎创造安全。

16、If left unchecked, weeds will flourish.(如果不加遏制,杂草就会疯长。)

17、I'm not very sporty.(我不擅长体育运动。)

18、Conditions are getting worse and supplies are running out.(情况越来越糟,给养也快耗尽了。)


19、But his death was so needless.(然而他的死却太没有必要了。)

20、It can be black, white or grey.(它可能是黑的、白的或灰的。)

21、This isn't as bad as I thought.(这没我原来所想的那么差。)

22、Long hair for men came in in the sixties.(男子留长发在60年代流行开来。)

23、He went into the house.(他进了房子。)

24、All raise your glasses and drink to Katie and Tom!(大家举起杯为凯蒂和汤姆祝福吧!)

25、The flavour of the garlic overpowered the meat.(大蒜的味道盖过了肉味。)

26、Flowers appeared, but fruits failed to form.(开了花,但没有结果。)

27、Moira bounced into the office.(莫伊拉蹦蹦跳跳地走进办公室。)

28、'But why...?' Her voice tailed away.(“但是为什么…?”她的声音细了下去。)

29、It is the first step that is troublesome.万事开头难。

30、She stumbled and fell, scraping her palms and knees.(她绊了一跤摔倒了,擦伤了双掌和双膝。)

31、There are no hard and fast rules, but rather traditional guidelines as to who pays for what.(关于谁来支付什么费用并没有一定要遵守的规定,只有传统的准则。)

32、Many factories are so antiquated they are not worth saving.(许多工厂太陈旧以致不值得保留。)

33、The size of the fish will determine the thickness of the steaks.(鱼的大小决定鱼排的厚度。)

34、Getting my work done! My God! As if it mattered.(把我的活儿干完!我的天哪!好像这很要紧似的。)

35、I'll happily help, if I can.(如果我能帮忙,我倒很乐意。)
